Could Bernie Sanders be the next president of the United States?
Right now, any candidate for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party has the possibility of being the next president of the United States in the 2020 elections. Bernie Sanders, like all democratic candidates, has the same possibility of being the next president of the United States , as long as his progressive political platform meets the expectations of American voters.
Can a self-proclaimed candidate as a socialist with progressive ideas become president of the American nation? It is something that we will all discover in the coming months during the Democratic Party primaries, but also in the coming year when he faces Donald Trump for the presidency in case he is nominated as candidate for the presidency of the Democratic Party.
When it comes to Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump we are talking about two American politicians who have used political demagogy and political idealism to be in the position they are right now. All that Donald Trump says is aimed at the most extreme side of the Republican party. Electoral strategy that we all know the reasons behind this in which immigrants will be the center of attention.
The voters of the extreme right, like those of the extreme left liberal, only want to follow that leader who promises something that everyone knows will never be fulfilled. Each of the things that both leaders are proposing as a political platform, reminds me of Latin American politicians who always promote and say what people want to hear. Many times voters do not understand the difference between inspiring words and political vision of what is possible.
The political platform of Bernie Sanders is directed towards the more liberal side of the Democratic party, who like what he is proposing no matter how unrealistic it may seem. Both leaders create the illusion in the voters that all that possible, even though we all know that being a pragmatic president is the way to success in a republican democracy. If you want to see a political show in the United States, a competition for the presidency between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders is an event that everyone will enjoy, as if we were watching a reality show.
When talking about Bernie Sanders there are several factors that we must recognize when we analyze his chances of being nominated by the Democratic Party at this time: First is name recognition, second fundraising capacity, third the electoral organizational structure that supports his campaign for the nomination and finally the front running position according to some of the polls within the primaries of the democratic party.
Right now Bernie is the clear front runner as candidate for the nomination within the primary of the democratic party. This dynamic within the primary democratic party can change when Joe Biden formally announces its aspirations as a candidate for the presidential nomination of the democratic party, which can define which candidate is really the front runner.
But for Bernie Sanders to be the next president of the United States, in the event that he defeats Donald Trump, he first needs to defeat a dozen aspiring presidential nominees in the Democratic party primaries of all these Democratic candidates.
Who can prevent Bernie Sanders from being nominated by the Democratic party? Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Amy Klobuchar are up to this moment the other candidates who can reach the nomination of the Democratic party. If we analyze the electoral surveys as to the electoral preference of the voters in the primaries of the Democratic Party, everything can happen.
One of the biggest challenges that Bernie Sanders has, is within the Democratic party. The resistance of conservatives and moderators who see the candidacy of Bernie Sanders as a danger to moderate or pragmatic ideas within the Democratic Party is something that Bernie has to handle with great political care, if he wishes to maintain unity within the party. A divided Democratic party has very little chance of defeating Donald Trump in the 2020 elections.
Those leaders who follow the moderate ideas followed by the Clifton will always be against any candidate who does not follow the political platform that they defend as the right thing. The question would be, would they support Bernie Sanders in case he wins as the party's presidential candidate? It is possible, but having something in mind, within the Democratic Party each political faction is struggling to achieve power as a way to change the course of the Democratic Party, but also the direction of the country. It is a political reality that nobody can deny.
Let's not fool ourselves! Right now there is a struggle between the liberal side against the more conservative side in the Democratic Party and the presence of Bernie Sander is something that will define where the Democratic Party is headed in the future.
Can independent and moderate voters accept the progressive platform of Bernie Sander? It is something that remains to be seen. In the same way, the progressives will enthusiastically support a moderate candidate as candidate for the presidency within the party? Everything will depend on who that candidate is.
What faction within the Democratic party will win that ideological war for the soul of the Democratic party in the future? That will depend on the Democratic voters in the primaries. The losing faction will support the winners? All that will depend on how big the desire of the Democrats is to get Donald Trump out of power. Maybe that's why I have the belief that socialist ideas or progressive platform can help Bernie Sanders to get the nomination of the Democratic party, but it's no guarantee that the American people are ready for the changes that Sander is offering.
Could Bernie Sanders be the next president of the United States?
Reviewed by egonard
February 28, 2019
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