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How to avoid the nice guy myth, if you want a girl to fall in love with you?


the nice guy myth

As men, we have always been raised to treat and view girls as princesses and boys as heroes. An idea that forces some to pretend to be a good boy, when seeking acceptance from others. It is one thing to seek the acceptance of a coworker and another thing to seek the acceptance of that girl that you are pursuing.

The only problem with this kind of good boy upbringing is that when it comes to winning the love of a girl, being a good boy may not be the best solution to impress a girl's heart right now. Studies have shown that girls, when choosing a partner, look for something from their future partner; A sense of security, self-control, a good sense of humor, and personal ambitions are characteristics that impress women when a man possesses these qualities.

For the guys to reach the heart of a girl they like, they must understand that the many at this moment expect more than good manners and respect towards girls.  For some reasons that many who study human behavior, when choosing a partner in a loving relationship, being a good guy is not the quality that most attracts a girl.

That old idea that girls expect to be treated like princes when you're falling in love with her is a strategy that doesn't work right now. If you want to attract  the attention of that girl that you like, treat her with respect, but above all, try to fill the expectations that she has and that can only be achieved by knowing that particular girl. Every girl likes to consider herself as unique and special, not like a princess who is waiting for that blue prince from fairy tales.

The faster you understand this reality, as a boy chasing a girl, to succeed in making her fall in love with you, being yourself is your best weapon. Girls like  originality, boys who know want it and do what they want, one when society criticizes it, maybe that's why bad boys are very lucky to get the attention of the girl they like. .

For some reason, we have the general idea that girls like nice, polite and well-mannered guys, guys who treat them like princesses, which may be a mistake on your part if you want that girl to pay attention. How much of this is fiction or reality? In my case, I think I have an answer to this dilemma that girls and boys face right now when they talk about this syndrome, "Be a nice guy" to get the girl you like.

When we talk about this issue we have a difference between a boy who is genuinely a good boy and those who simply pretend to be a good boy as a strategy to get the heart of the girl he likes. When it comes to conquering a girl's heart, any strategy is good if you get the results you expect.

Any relationship expert will always tell you that the best way to get to the heart of the girl you like is to be yourself. We must accept that this formula sometimes does not work when you are trying to impress a girl, who expects you to meet her expectations on the first meeting. 

They both show their best selves and in some cases many of them exaggerate who they really are to impress the person of the opposite sex. Some scholars of human behavior think that a guy with a bad reputation or what society considers a "bad guy" has a much better chance of getting girls against a nice guy.

 I think this idea is a popular speculation product of the characters in dramatic movies offered to those who consume it. The true expectation a girl  has when she thinks of that ideal boyfriend is that he treat her with respect, love, and consideration. In short as queen.

There is a false belief on social media that good guys are always last when it comes to getting girls. As a boy who is in love with a girl you should never fall for the mystique of the "nice guy" because his chances of having a stable relationship are greatly diminished.

Girls are attracted to guys who are in control of their lives and know how to handle any situation and many times the good guy does not meet these expectations. You can be a good boy, but at the same time showing confidence in yourself, demanding what you want or expect from her as a girlfriend and not accepting all her wishes, many times it is your best strategy for you.

If you really want that girl you like to fall in love with you? Don't use the nice guy strategy, much less using the princess syndrome who needs to be rescued by  a blue prince. Girls right now, influenced by social media, that good boy attitude and demeanor with a hero mentality is considered a thing of the past and boring.

As a young man chasing a girl, something you must understand, when you chase the love or attention of a girl, many of them just want to have a good time and enjoy the moment.

If you are a guy who is looking for a long-term love relationship, being yourself should be your first option, but as a guy, you are so interested in that girl that many of you use as a technique to get girls, you pretend to be who you don't you really are and that almost always ends in failure, like love relationships supported by the "nice guys" syndrome.

How to avoid the nice guy myth, if you want a girl to fall in love with you? Reviewed by egonard on December 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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