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The new American conservatism and the tribal behavior of the far right-wing extremists groups

The new American conservatism

Every human being as a survival mechanism tries to create connections between people who share the same cultural preference, belief system, ethnic-racial identification, language and territorial possession. Political tribalism is also part of human behavior which is endemic in many underdeveloped societies with poor democratic institutions.

American voters, especially those who are following the new American conservatism imposed by the personality cult of Donald Trump, also fall within this same pattern of tribal behavior in which political ideology, electoral preference and personality cult is the reason behind the passion when they follow a political philosophy that fills their group expectations in a politically divided American society. .

Right now the loss of credibility of American politicians, no matter how liberal or conservative they are, accepting the truth is something that both groups have learned to avoid and more when this truth affects their political interests. The ability to manipulate the truth is a characteristic that every politician needs to reach or stay in power when tribal emotions control the preference of voters.

Is the press responsible for this lack of credibility of the American political class? Starting from my personal point of view, my answer would be, no. The press is just another instrument of information used by different political and economic groups which impose their agenda on voters through political news.

"All news right now in many cases is basically directed to fill the political needs of the most conservative group of the Republican Party, but also the most liberal groups of the Democratic Party."

Continuing with the same theme, apart from all the news media we must also take into account the influence of the special interest groups which are always sending messages, where the manipulation of the news and the lack of truthfulness is used to move the political supporters towards the direction that those groups wish.

These special groups use tribal feeling as a way to change a political or economic position no matter how much the American majority opposes. Special interest groups who are using the new American conservatism as the force behind each of their proposals politically exploiting the dissatisfaction  conservative voters have against the establishment.

Tribal division between liberals and  the new American conservatism

The American nation since its founding has always been divided, between different racial ethnic groups (African Americans, European descendants and American Indian population). To pretend that there is no tribal division is to ignore the reason behind the economic inequality that exists between the different racial ethnic groups in which whites occupy the best position at all levels.

The passion behind this intensity product of this tribal division between liberals and conservatives in the political positions in resorting to the most radical positions is only a reflection of this division of economic and social inequality that exists between the rural population and the urban population.

The kind of political ideology used to handle these economic problems that affect the majority of Americans right now is being directed by the most extreme elements of both tribal groups such as the Liberal Democrats or conservative Republicans in which any type of compromise is seen as a betrayal against these politically rival groups.

"For centuries the nationalist vision was the political umbrella that most defined the American population, but in recent decades this vision of national identity is being corroded by the passion of extremist groups that drive partisan tribalism over the welfare of the nation."

Is the economic inequality in America the reason for this political tribalism? If we take the economic growth during the several years, inflation levels and low level of unemployment in general, we could say that it is only part of the problems.

What is the reason behind extremist ideas in tribal groups? For that we must blame those political leaders who use the fear of the loss of identity of the American nation by those who feel forgotten by the political class in Washington.

Group of voters who at this moment with their intensity and unconditional support of the current president are behind this new conservative philosophy which is dominating the Republican party.

"President Donald Trump has known how to politically exploit this fear of loss of cultural identity in the conservative sectors inside and outside the Republican Party." Now the new conservative philosophy in the Republican Party is under the control of Donald Trump, no matter what the followers of the traditional conservative ideology say.

Can the new American conservatism promoted by the followers of Donald Trump make the changes that affect American society towards the future? My answers would be, no. The conservative philosophy is not part of the behavior and vision of Donald Trump, who only sees himself as the center of attention of everything that happens. When Donald Trump finishes his administration, at the same moment the influence of the new conservatism in America also ends.

Is the loss of credibility of traditional political leaders the reason behind increases in politically motivated tribal behavior by voters? The tribal political positions are not new in the world political system and more when we analyze the resurgence of nationalism in many European nations.

Perhaps within the American political behavior is something that was never the center of attention, but that does not mean that it has never been part of the party dynamics in the North American political system when imposing an extremist agenda that protects its political, economic and political interests.

Can tribal behavior benefit this new conservative philosophy? If you know how the American political system works, you will discover that such behavior has its limitations. In a society where nothing moves, that means that nothing changes.

The laws in a democratic system are largely based on political consensus of the majority, not on the imposition of the minority. The new American conservatism is a minority no matter how hard they try to inflict the policies that most Americans want. If it will always be that way because of the demographic, cultural changes and progressive vision of the new generations
The new American conservatism and the tribal behavior of the far right-wing extremists groups Reviewed by egonard on March 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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