What does being Black really mean to white people in the United States?
Many people look at the problems of racism through the eyes of the white slave-owning master; still 5 centuries later when the first slaves arrive on the American continent, at the time of the millennium, from the globalization of digital information, the emergence of new characters that are creating new forms of conversation, new symbols that reflect the mentality of modernism, for I believe that identifying new ways to describe old problems is necessary if you want to change the old standards that perpetuate racism from generation to generation.
"Between being black " Negro" and being of African descent, which racial identity is best for you? This is where the Afro-descendant community has to make that decision if it wishes to change the narrative associated with racism in the United States."
When we talk about racism and how to combat it, we continue to use the same colonial language used by the European colonizers who own slaves and, worst of all, many descendants of slaves defend that colonial language as a mechanism of group identification to achieve racial equality based on old paradigms. who maintain the fight against racism in a vicious circle, that is, in a circle in which everything leads to the same point because they have not had the courage to break the chains of mental slavery that is part of many Afro-descendants who they resist change in the way we talk about racism, blackness, and African heritage.
The type of narrative that we tell to the new generations, our children, grandchildren, which in some cases starts from the mental slavery suffered by some parents who defend the narratives created during the slave system, about what it means to be "black" in the 16th century. which is different from what it means to be black in the 21st century.
This is where to analyze the expression "I am black" and the impact it has on racial identity, personal self-esteem, individual value and how it perpetuates the stereotypes and prejudices associated with the expression "I am black" or "you are black" " They are black ", an expression associated with black people which is extremely important to understand how a symbol of the slave system is still used at this time by individuals in a post-slave society, especially the new generations, what it really means "I am black" from a historical and social point of view, but also as a group identification when we talk about combating racism in the 21st century.
When you identify yourself as "Black" you are using the colonial language which dehumanized the African slaves, denying them the right to self-identification ethnic, tribal, culture and the sense of belonging associated with their place of origin. If you want to lessen the effects of racism, identifying the colonial language in your conversation should be your priority as a mechanism to create a racial identity based on the needs of racial classification that fits the 21st century.
The creation of a new paradigm in which Learning to use the term black as an adjective not as a noun should always be part of the conversation. One thing is a black woman and another thing is a a woman with black skin. One thing is I am black and another thing is I am a black person or I am a man whose skin color is black. Human beings are not black or white, simply put "human beings are not a color", human beings are Negroid, or Caucasian.
If you are a black woman: Do not accept that anyone uses the word " Morenita o morena" or "my darling darling, my black woman" Because you do not know the psychological motivations of those who are using this expression in which they can start of an attitude of superiority and being condescending to you hides this superiority with affectionate expressions, but deep down it hides racist attitudes from the person who expresses it.
One home is a condescending behavior product of superiority and another thing is a feelings based on a genuine empathy as a show of affection. One way to fight racism is to identify the colonialist expressions that are still part of daily conversation in post-slavery nations no matter how innocent they may appear.
Let's talk a bit about what it means to be Black.
1- Are you proud to be a Negro?
2- Are you proud of your black skin?
3- Are you proud to be black?
4- Are you proud to be of African descent?
5- Are you proud to be descendants of Negro?
Let me know in your comments about what your answer would be.
In my particular case, I only feel pride for all those in which my personal effort is the reason behind this pride, starting from goals achieved. Black is a color, I mean an object; African is a subject or group of people associated with the cultural ethnicity or origin of the African Continent. One thing is pride (emotion), another thing is recognition (acceptance).
When you say "I'm black" what are you talking about? Are you talking about a color or a racial group? When you say "I am a black" what are you talking about? Are you talking about a subject or an object or an imaginary figure created during the colonial slave system? This is where to know the difference between a black and a black person.
Difference between I am black (personal qualification mechanism) and I am black man o woman (racial description mechanism. Difference between I am black (identity) and my skin color is black or dark (description).
Differences between popular language and academic language when we speak of "Black" as a subject or part of a (racial group) and black as an object or thing (black color in nature). One thing is the meaning of Negro in academic language and another is the meaning of Negro in popular language.
There are several types of Negroes (capital N) associated with African descendants.
- 1) The black "Negro" as a dehumanized figure in a slave society to justify the superiority of a person over another person taking into consideration skin color.
- 2) The black enslaved "Negro", seen less than a human and treated as a thing, and valued as an object of production.
- 3) The black "Negro" who during the racial caste system occupied a low position compared to the whites.
- 4) Black "Negro" as a group identification mechanism used by people belonging to the black race.
- 5) Black "Negro" as a mechanism for describing color or skin tone in people considered Negroid.
- 6) The black "Negro" that exists in the collective imagination which is associated with discrimination, prejudice, and racial stereotypes in post-slave societies.
- 7) The black "Negro" that occupies the lowest position in a social class determined by the possession or lack of wealth who are part of the poverty lines in the great cities of the post-slave nations.
- 8) The internalized black "Negro" product of group empathy which exists in your mind as a result of a personal experience learned from generation to generation which negatively affects your ancestors or members of your community.
- 9) Black "Negro", as a black color which is part of the mythological behavior of people, where the black color which is associated with the absence of light or lack of divinity, but also represents darkness which is associated to the diabolical.
- 10) The black "Negro" as part of a social political movement which seeks racial equality.
When you say "I'm black" what are you talking about?
This is where you when you speak you must make a difference between using the term "I am black" and " African descendants" or "My skin color is black" because based on the expression you use, you are speaking of very different things.
This is where you must learn to avoid generalization and be specific about what you are talking about and assume that when you say "I am black" others understand what you are talking about is a mistake that you should avoid. I am of African descent is the correct term when it comes to racial identity.
One thing is what you think you are saying and another thing is what people hear about what you say. So when you speak of racial identity "I am black" is not the correct expression when you refer specifically to racial identity associated with Negroid or black people.
When you speak of racial identity, I am black person or my skin color is black is the correct expression to use, because people understand what you are talking about. Black "Negro" is not part of an ethnic group, a cultural group, a religious group, a social group, a political current, an ideology, a philosophical current, much less a nationality.
So why do you identify as black? Why are you part of a racial group? Or are you using colonial language when defining your racial identity? The problem that in a post-slavery society very few people see the black as part of a racial group. That is why you must be careful when you use the expression I am black as a symbol of racial identity.
If you want to have the right to racial identification, everything starts with you and the way you determine this racial identification is therefore extremely important, to be specific in what you are saying, for those who listen to you understand what you are talking about.
The principle to achieve this right to racial identification "I am black" is not the correct expression to achieve this right to identity. "I am black" is an expression which must be seen from a historical context which represents the symbol of dehumanization of African slaves when the slave owners began to identify him as black slaves as a way of denying him the tribal ethnic identity, and its meaning of cultural belonging.
But that when you speak of racial identity I am black is not the correct expression, because you are repeating the racial identity imposed by the whites when they said the slaves are black or they are black, translating in modern language when someone says you are " you are black "you are simply using the same dehumanization mechanism used by slave owners during colonization in America, which is why the way you define your racial identity is important and" I am black "is not the correct expression for define said racial identity. I am of African descent is the correct term when it comes to racial identity.
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