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Donald Trump and the death of the American dream

Donald Trump and the death of the American dream

When you listen to the different headlines in the national television networks and read in the written press of the most influential newspapers in the nation about the personal behavior of President Donald Trump and the type of conservative policies against the long-term interests of The American nation, many of us have the impression that there is an institutional disaster in this nation because of the way the Trump administration is managing right now.

No one can deny that the American nation is now divided politically, but also in the vision of what it means to be American. We are seeing a fierce struggle between the more conservative sector of the Republican Party and its unconditional support of the Donald Trump presidency and the more liberal side of the democratic party who oppose Donald Trump no matter what he does or says. The American nation right now is a divided nation and we can not blame Donald Trump for that division, but we must blame him for using this division politically to secure support from the more conservative Republican side who will do everything to have conservative judges, especially in the supreme court.

When there is a political dilemma in the vision of a nation which can change the national consciousness in one direction or another, we must all accept that the "American dream" may be a victim of the new vision of the American nation driven by the policies of President Donald Trump and the personality cult within the Republican party. Conservative policies which try to suppress and go back to the past, when we talk about topics such as the suppression of civil rights in jobs, inequality in the justice system, hard anti-immigration policy, but also especially the right to women To decide on your body as a way to please Christians is something we should consider when we talk about the vision towards where the American nation is heading.

On the one hand, the more conservative side of the Republican party, especially the evangelical sector, is pushing a kind of conservative agenda that serves its political needs in the short term, although not in terms of religious aspirations and teachings. Sector Christians who abandoned their doctrine of personal and family morality, and all for suppressing the right to women to do with their body what they want. With this type of behavior Christians are selling their soul to the devil to get to heaven. Many of them unknowingly are suffering a contradiction between their moral beliefs as Christians and their behavior as a politically motivated person.

On the other hand we must accept the total rejection of any decision that affects the progressive and moderate sector of the American nation in which the policies of Donald Trump are destroying the social gains achieved during decades of social, economic and political transformation. Conservative politics that are transforming the American nation in such a way that the American dream is dying before our eyes. When a nation democracy is not an instrument that fills the expectations of the citizens, apathy as voters is a response that we must avoid if we really want to achieve and preserve the American dream. As voters it is our duty to be part of the political decisions of a nation with our vote.

With the election of Donald Trump we must all understand that the American dream only exists if we all participate in keeping that dream alive in the national consciousness. The arrival of Donald Trump to power reminds many Americans that political apathy is not an option when it comes to protecting social acquisitions acquired recently. Voting has its cost, but to stop voting has your cost too and some Democrats are understanding it now when they look at how Donald Trump manages the nation.

One of the great constitutional rights of the American people is their ability to vote and each one of voters whether they are democrat, independent or republican who are against the conservative policies of Donald Trump can with their vote change the course of the nation that represents the personal, political, economic and social ideals in the next elections. In the next elections you have the opportunity to express with your vote how you really feel about what Donald Trump is doing, but they also send a message to where the American nation is heading. Only by voting can you keep the American dream alive.
Donald Trump and the death of the American dream Reviewed by egonard on September 22, 2018 Rating: 5

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