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The death of conservatism ideology in America and the births of populism in the republican party.

conservative values in America

Some scholars of different political ideologies try to explain the difference between conservative philosophy and populist ideology by emphasizing the elements that characterize these opposing ideologies when discussing the role that the state should play in the lives of people. Populist behavior in politicians is characteristic of many Latin American governments, not in the USA. At this time we have in the white house the most populist president in the political history has had the American nation in Donald Trump.

With the arrival of Donald Trump to power, all those policies that are important for the most conservative Republicans in the party were sacrificed for the unconditional support of the new president's populist policies. "Conservative" policies that only benefit the richest elites in the nation that control Washington, not the majority of a people that expected something different from a president, who said many times that it would change how things were done.

But, the worst of all is when a party sells the soul for the desire to follow a president who lies in their faces as is the case of Christians or evangelicals and justify it, while losing the shame with this support unconditional to the president. When speaking of Donald Trump many Christian leaders, example of morality have learned to look the other way when talking about the immoral behavior of their president, which is unforgivable, for everyone who knows American history.

"Power somehow corrupts the minds of everyone who is close to him no matter how many we learn each verse of the Bible." Evangelicals have not understood the dimension of this moral dilemma facing their congregation against a great majority, that they are judging each of them negatively, the American nation, who saw them as examples of morality, they also see it as the co-responsible for everything that happens in Washington right now. On that side, populism has changed the party Republican at this time, becoming the trump party "but also has changed what it really means to be conservative.

Can a populist president like Donald Trump push for conservative policies that benefit voters? From my point of view that will depend on which party has control of the congress in the mid-term elections to be held at the end of this year. Donald Trump as a populist president his political decisions will be guided where the wind blows political preference of the voters.

Many conservatives who fly the flag of trumpism right now, when this populist president begins to separate from the more extreme side of the Republican party, will begin to see what President Donald Trump really is, like a political demagogue who uses populist ideology to get and stay in the power. As an observer of American politicians, you should always look with a certain suspicion when a political leader is more conservative or liberal than those who historically have been part of this philosophy within the Republican or Democratic Party.

History has shown us that political ideologies never die, even if they enter a stage of decline in social influence. The conservative philosophy has certain levels of influence in a part of the population long before Donald Trump came to power and will again influence the population when Trumpism is not part of the population's political approach.

That is why we must make a difference between trumpism and conservatism within the Republican party. That is why evangelical leaders act more like an opportunist group than pragmatic leaders who do not recognize political facts when they support President Donald Trump in a long-term strategy.

For some reason an important part of the Republican party does not know the difference between populist ideology and conservative ideology when it does not understand the reasons behind the kind of politics that this president is implementing in the name of conservatism. Donald Trump is not interested in knowing what it really means to be conservative or to follow Christian values. The president only thinks of the president, who thinks otherwise they are deceiving themselves.

The president is only interested in acquiring a personal recognition that fills the ego of someone, who in spite of being the president of the most powerful nation in the world feels insecure with himself as an individual, when he values ​​who he is when compared with others in Same situation. We all understand the reasons behind the president's bad behavior, which no one understands the submissive behavior of evangelicals who assume a Christian morality and defend a president who does not follow Christian values.
The death of conservatism ideology in America and the births of populism in the republican party. Reviewed by egonard on May 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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